Five thoughts about how Ukraine has changed and why Putin will not win

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"Ukraine is the outpost of European civilization"

Andrii Dakhniy, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the History of Philosophy Department of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko

Since 2014, Ukraine has strengthened and has been following the European path more consciously. Imperial Russia still cannot accept this. This is evidenced by the infamous statements of Russian President Putin about "one nation."

We need to learn a lot from history, although there were some unpleasant lessons like discord and lack of cohesion. We need to learn these lessons and combine them, especially given the support in Europe and the United States. Only through internal cohesion and solidarity with the civilized world will we have a chance to survive and strengthen.

"Ukraine and Russia are two different civilizations"

Sofia Opatska, Dean-Founder of UCU Lviv Business School, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development

There are a lot of people in Ukraine who started their business from scratch and behaved responsibly in the moments that were critical for the country when it was necessary to support the army or hospitals. We have become a more powerful country in exporting not only raw materials, but some added value.

Russian business has more opportunities due to the scale and market, but I am not aware how free these people are. Ukraine and Russia are two different civilizations. Therefore, all this is a struggle of civilizations.

"Ukrainians do not buy matches and buckwheat, but weapons."

Volodymyr Vyatrovych, former head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, People's Deputy

For many societies in the West, the fact that Ukraine did not surrender and actively opposed Russia's aggression was the discovery of our country. I am convinced that the start of receiving weapons from Western countries is the result of what the world has seen - Ukrainians will fight.

We do not panic now. Ukrainians do not buy matches and buckwheat, but weapons. Whether there is a war or not, Putin will no longer be able to return Ukraine to his influence.

"Washington and Moscow must reckon with Ukraine"

Bohdan Shumylovych, art historian, associate professor of UCU cultural studies program

Ukraine is gaining "agency", although it is constantly undermined. In a symbolic circle, this means that Russia does not recognize it, because we seem to be unable to decide for ourselves. In her mind, this is what some imaginary Washington is doing. Ukraine is considered an agent of the West in Russia.

But the fact that Kyiv can insist on its position shows that both Washington and Moscow must reckon with what was not there before. Once we were not a factor in international politics and agreements - we were all manipulated. Now, we are gradually coping with this.

"Russia is an enemy that will definitely lose"

Yurii Pidlisnyi, Head of the Political Science Department, UCU, Head of the Ethics-Politics-Economics Program

The confrontation between Russia and Ukraine is first and foremost an approach to the issue of freedom and self-determination. After all, the key theme of the Western world is human freedom and dignity, from which human rights derive.

At the same time, we are only at the beginning of the road, so we must understand that there is a difficult struggle ahead.

Russia lost its chance. If they continue to claim that we are fraternal people, then let them behave like brothers. After that, maybe, we'll think about how to build a relationship with them, and for now, they are enemies who will definitely lose.

Sofia Shavranska, Roman Tyshchenko-Lamanskyi

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