Melody Gardot, John Legend Will Headline Ukraine’s Leopolis Jazz Fest This June

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In a sign of confidence amid global worries about new Russian aggression toward Ukraine, one of Lviv’s signature events carries on.
photo: leopolis jazz fest

photo: leopolis jazz fest

Melody Gardot, an American singer, pianist, guitarist and composer will perform at the Leopolis Jazz Fest on 27 June. This was reported by the festival’s organizers.

According to the Leopolis Jazz Fest, her creative and life path is overcoming the severe consequences after the car accident. Willpower and love for music became the best therapy for the singer. While still in the hospital, she wrote songs that later became the mini-album «Some Lessons».

Read about last year’s Leopolis Jazz Fest: «Sunrise Jams with the Legeds: Lviv’s New Musical Moment»

Melody Gardot’s next albums topped various charts. «My One» and «Only Thrill» reached number two on the Billboard jazz chart. «The Absence» was included in the top 30 on the Billboard 200 and reached the top among the US jazz albums.

In 2020, Melody Gardot with Larry Klein created the album Sunset in the Blue, which featured stars such as Til Brenner, Antonio Zambouggio, Ibrahim Maaluf, and Sting became a guest as well.

Read also: John Legend to headline Ukraine’s Leopolis Jazz Fest 2022

It will be recalled that Leopolis Jazz Fest has announced the name of the first headliner of the festival – John Legend. He will perform on 26 June. Leopolis Jazz Fest is scheduled for 24-28 June 2022.

This week, America’s National Public Radio, on its Morning Edition show, referred to Lviv as a jazz-loving city. Here, starting at 4:30.00, you can hear NPR reporting from Lviv’s LV Café jazz club about the mood in the city amid the warnings of increased Russian aggression:

For reference

Melody Gardot is an American jazz singer. Gardo began playing music at the age of 9, playing piano and guitar. At the age of 16, she started performing in a nightclub – on Fridays and Saturdays, for four hours. At the age of 19, she fell under the wheels of a car on a bicycle, suffered a brain injury and numerous fractures. While in the hospital, Melody, on the advice of doctors, began to engage in music therapy. This therapy was not only the first step to recovery but also to a successful career as a singer and songwriter. Being still unable to move around the hospital, she recorded the album «Some Lessons – The Bedroom Sessions» (2005).

Translated by Vitalii Holich

You can read a Ukrainian language version of this story here.

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