Ukraine Pushes Russians Out of Cities; Enemy Airborne Attacks Continue Against Civilian Targets. Video

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Ukraine seems this morning to be in control of all her major cities, including the capital Kyiv. Still, Russia continues to attack: Enemy forces sent a missile into a residential high-rise at 8:12am Saturday 26 February. Human beings were inside.

Ukrainian control of the cities is the result of fighting through the night after a day in which Russian forces invaded several metropolises including Kherson and Odesa–and during which some global media began to report that cities were falling into enemy hands.

In Kyiv this morning many people remained in the city’s expansive subway stations, where they also have WiFi access to the outside world.

This was reported by Mykhailo Podolyak, from the Office of the President and confirmed by sources throughout the country. We are still assessing the developments in Kharkiv, 20 miles from Russia

Joe Lindsley, an American journalist (follow on Telegram, Instagram, LinkedIn for updates), is editor of Lviv Now

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Lviv Now is an English-language website for Lviv, Ukraine’s «tech-friendly cultural hub.» It is produced by Tvoe Misto («Your City») media-hub, which also hosts regular problem-solving public forums to benefit the city and its people.

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