Ukraine’s electricity situation can be tense this summer

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Ukrenergo will try to prevent shutdowns and blackouts.

In the summer, the electricity situation in Ukraine will be tense in the electricity balance terms. Ukrenergo will use all means to prevent blackouts and blackouts, announced Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, the Chairman of the Board of Ukrenergo, on the air of Radio Liberty.

«If there is an electricity shortage, we will import electricity from Europe. We can also turn on additional generating capacities, for example, those that use natural gas. Traditionally, such combined heat and power plants are not used much in summer. But we can switch on additional gas-fired generation if there is a need. Therefore, I would not talk about inevitable blackouts or blackouts,» said Volodymyr Kudrytskyi.

In the summer, power outages will not be caused by an electricity shortage. But they may be technical problems with the grid due to the triple load – this year and annual planned maintenance before the winter and autumn.

«This is because we need to restore power plants and substations after the shelling and strengthen the protection of other energy facilities before winter. Not only Ukrenergo but other energy companies are currently doing this,» says Kudrytskyi.

According to the CEO of Ukrenergo, to avoid power outages in summer and winter, it is necessary to repair as many power plants as possible and prepare them for winter. It will require generating a particular financial resource. Additional funds for this purpose are provided by Western partners, including loans, grants, and humanitarian aid. He explains.

As a reminder, the Cabinet of Ministers approved an increase in the electricity tariff for households to 2.64 UAH per kWh from 1 June.

Translated by Yulian Lahun

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